Monday, June 3, 2024

Time to "Graduate"


Author vs. Writer

These words may convey the same thing to you, but I struggled with identifying myself as an author until my book was officially released. I could accept the role of writer, but "Author" sounded so official, like something professionals do, who are paid to do it. It's time for me to move the tassel, much like a graduate would, as I am now a published author.

Oh, did you see that? You may have missed it. 


You probably did miss this news because I believed I needed things to be perfect before I told the world. I wanted to have the print book available, and an ebook option for my digital readers.

The print book was released quietly in May 2023, and I expected to finish the digital update within the month and announce both together. Long story short, the ebook posed a battle that took two of us almost a year. We JUST released it last month.

In keeping with my previous post about celebrating, I want to share the celebration my friend Lisa and I enjoyed when the final upload was done. I keep saying "we" but she did 98.8% of the work and this book wouldn't be available in Kindle format without her. (Ask me for a referral!)

This beautiful woman believed in me and my words and wanted to help reach more people so others might be encouraged. Thank you, Lisa, I'm so grateful God brought our lives together.

There were tacos!
(Of course there were.)

Hard work deserves a smile of accomplishment.

It also deserves a little "aaahhh" stress relief.

And finally...a sales poster, right? She'd make a great model on The Price is Right.

Speaking of price. Are you dying to know how to get a copy of my book? Let me help you out here.

The easiest way is to follow this link to my website and discover the book, read reviews, and explore a few other things there.

  • Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and most online retailers sell the print book for $15.99
  • Amazon has the ebook version for $9.99 with an INTRO SALE FOR $7.99 through June 13th for Fremont's birthday
  • If you're local, you can order directly from me for $13 through midnight June 9th. You will need to prepay, and they take about 2 weeks to arrive. You can pick them up from me at my home the following week.

To read the first chapter for free, see the back cover, and read the online description, follow the link below to Amazon. I hope this book resonates with you. Have fun making a list of those you want to gift it to! 

NOTE: As an Amazon Associate I may earn from qualifying purchases.

Contact me directly for quantity purchases for gifts or a book club.

One More Thing...
Thank you for your kind words through the years.

Take care, and remember, I'm always here to pray for you if you have a need or request.

Lois Lynn

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