Monday, September 28, 2015

Something Beautiful

Did you think life was going to turn out differently than it has? I guarantee you're not the only one! I know, I know - that didn't make you feel any better, did it? Me either when I tell it to myself. 

One thing Facebook has succeeded in doing is keeping me in touch with friends I grew up with. Sadly, this also means I hear about far too many of my friends dying at young ages. Their life didn't turn out the way they had planned either, but I still have my life and so do you. Maybe it's time we choose to let God do something beautiful with them.

I believe God brings an awareness of the lyrics to me when I'm ready to hear them. Or perhaps when I need to hear them, whether I'm ready or not.

This happened to me today. I had been thinking recently about how smooth things have seemed. I feel like things are solid with God, my faith isn't wavering, I'm serving, only going through minor little life stuff, and basically flying under the radar and in a holding pattern. I consider that a decent place to be, if not even a great place to be. However, if I were to be really honest, I know it's not a good place to be for one reason. I'm not growing. These thoughts were bouncing around in my head today when this song hit.

"I'm gonna take all the broken pieces." We know that He can indeed make it something beautiful but here's my question. Do you really give Him ALL the pieces? Do I? It hit me instantly that I've been holding onto some of my pieces. They aren't good pieces, but they are like that comforting blanket we all had when we were kids. I KNOW them and I have let them stay too long instead of giving them to God to see what He wants to do with them. Sometimes I think I enjoy my treasure of broken pieces, I'm even tempted to review them and spend time with them. God's waiting on me to give them to him. Do you have some, too? Are we ready to let God turn them into something beautiful?

One More Thing...
Can you name your broken pieces? Are they familiar because you spend time with them? Are you ready to give them to God? It scares me a little bit, it's okay if you're nervous.

Take care, and I'm always here to pray for you if you have a need or request.
Lois Lynn

Something Beautiful by Steven Curtis Chapman

Monday, September 14, 2015

Color Struggles

I am struggling.

Our UNITED States of America is not representing this concept well right now. We hear "Black Lives Matter" and "White Lives Matter"...even "Blue Lives Matter."

We've heard the Sheriff of Harris county state the following after the shooting death of a Houston officer:
"So why don't we just drop the qualifier and just say 'lives matter' and take that to the bank?"
I do not understand why the color of a person's skin is used to intentionally create the view of inequality. Aren't we smarter than that? Don't we know that humans are all created the same, in His image? When did the media begin to feel it necessary to say a black or white police officer shot a black or white man? Isn't it as simple as a "police officer shot a suspect?"

I am struggling to understand why this is still happening...and my heart is sad about it.

I saw this today, and it resonated with me so I felt like it should be my featured topic today.

One More Thing...
We are ALL precious to God and we should be precious to each other. Why isn't it this simple? What can we do to stop this?

Take care, and I'm always here to pray for you if you have a need or request.

Lois Lynn