Friday, July 9, 2021

Web of Connectivity

Accountability isn't for wimps. 

Neither is walking through an unseen spider web!

This past year, I have had the opportunity to participate in several online courses, small groups, Bible classes, webinars, Facebook groups, and other online challenges. I have learned so much because most of the world turned to the web to share resources and keep people connected.

Today, I perused my list of blog drafts, looking for one that resonated with me, or at least one I felt like finishing, As I read through, I was hit by the reminder of why I was writing a new blog post today, of all days.

Earlier this week, I received a seven-word message from someone named Cara. 

    "How are you doing with your blog?"

Internally, I responded with, "Blog? What blog? I haven't written in a while. Who is Cara and how does she know I have a blog?"

A quick Facebook search confirmed my suspicion. She is one of the new people in my life and her name wasn't quite cemented into my memory yet. We were in an online challenge group together. I scrolled back through our history and found we only had a couple of quick exchanges, mostly about software and current projects we're each working on. This message was completely out of the blue, but God-timed.

I have been thinking about writing a new post, craving the connection with you, my reader. I was spending a lot of time recently thinking about what a peculiar web of connection God seemed to be weaving around me. I now have people from all over this country who share similar journeys and goals. Many of us have had related struggles and triumphs. These people come from all kinds of faith backgrounds and span multiple decades of life experiences.

Whether we are connected from a Bible class, a small group, an in-person connection, or one of those online challenges, there is one common thread that ties them together. These new relationships are all gifts from God, to me. He knows our deepest needs, even if we fear them or ignore them. I knew I needed some new voices in my life that shared my vision and dreams, but I was afraid to ask for them. I think God answered my silent, trembling prayers.

When I look at a spider web, sometimes I notice the intricate details but often I see the gaping holes. I'm always amazed at the strength of a web, especially when I've just walked through one and I'm trying to get clear of it. To me, these symbolize the connectivity God created for us through people. 

My new web has connections I never could have imagined, with people I may never meet. There are a couple of fancy spots where the light shines brighter. I kind of think of those as the people influencing my life that are known more publicly. (One is a renowned drummer and one is a known pastor in a large church.) Even the gaping holes don't look like something destroyed to me, they remind me of God's provisions. A hole in a spider web occurs most when the prey gets caught - that's what nourishes the spider., huh?

So, today is the day of my newest blog post because Cara asked me about it. I made a goal, a goal I shared with my new accountability partner. These people are treasures. I've searched for years to find someone that would do this for me. I've had slight success but mostly discovered that they are hard to find. Today, I have a couple of people that challenge me and hold me accountable in different areas of my life. I hope, I pray, that you will find someone to do that for you. I challenge you to be that person for someone else.

They tell me life is meant to be shared. Honestly, I'm still working on that but I think God was clearly using some of my new connections to show me the truth in that statement. We truly are connected, through God's creative web of connectivity and He puts people in front of us when we need them.

One More Thing...
Today started with me feeling a bit empty. I spent yesterday thinking about a handful of important people in my life who have died and I was feeling a bit sad, remembering how much I miss them. The last thing I thought I'd do today was to write a blog. God does that, He sends those nudges through accountability partners. When He does, say thank you and then respond. Do you have someone who encourages you or holds you accountable? Drop their first name in the comments to thank them.

Take care, and I'm always here to pray for you or listen if you have a need or request. You can reach out to me privately at or comment on this post.

Lois Lynn


  1. Comment Try #3 - It was great to read this today! :)

    1. Thanks for that feedback - it was equally great to know it's being read. :-)

    2. Loved reading this, Lois. We want more, more, more!

  2. This is beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us..
    Linked through from BPC group... Celeste

    1. Thanks Celeste! I have loved the BPC group, so glad you're a part of that. It's been a great blessing to me.

  3. Barb - thank you. There will be more this year.

  4. Always appreciate reading your thoughts my friend and always appreciate your friendship (36 years and going). ;)

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. I hate to say it, but we met 40 years ago this coming September.


Thanks for the feedback! I'd love it if you'd sign your name at the end of your comment, if you're not using an account so I know who to say thank you to.