Thursday, August 19, 2021

The Incorrect Use of Air

While driving around today, I found myself in a nice light mood in the midst of a busy schedule. This was primarily due to the positive music cranked up on my stereo, the sun radiating down through the sunroof, and the wind blowing my hair into a carefree mess. I remember thinking this was a nearly perfect moment. It didn't hurt that I had just finished up a delightful lunch at one of my favorite family-owned taco places, about a 20-minute drive east. Happy tummy, sunshine, music, wind, and a hint of the joy driving brings me. It was a good day.

As I was singing along with the lyrics to Great Are You, Lord, by Casting Crowns I was struck with the thought of how precious breath has become during this Covid-19 crisis. Many of us have taken breathing for granted, but this virus has created an appreciation like never before for so many. I began to sing along, "It's your breath, in our lungs, so we pour out our praise..."

I was reminded of a friend who challenged me two years ago to start walking more. I have a history of bronchitis and even walking pneumonia so I'm grateful for any winter I don't battle that. I was thinking that his push may have strengthened my lungs, and perhaps saved me from some breathing illnesses, as I haven't had any for the past two years. 

I also noticed I was able to really belt out the lyrics without feeling breathless. My heart turned my worship singing into a prayer of gratitude as I continued again with, "It's your breath, in our lungs, so we pour out our praise..."

Photo by Andraz Lazic on Unsplash
Then a bad driver interrupted me mid-sentence, mid-praise, mid-prayer. Suddenly the air (God's breath) in my lungs was being used in a different manner. Shall we call it, pointing out the error of the driver's ways? OK, it turns out the breath in my lungs can easily, and instantly be used to yell at people that cause an interruption to my driving. Yes, what they did was frustrating and no, I did not yell so they would know I was yelling at them. It was a quiet yell within my own vehicle. But wow, how quickly things can take a turn.

The thing is, it was still the same breath. Literally. I mean, I didn't even take in the next breath, I just changed out my words. Same air, but now used incorrectly. I wasn't proud of this but thought I can't be the only one. So, as usual, if it resonates with me I'll share it and hope it resonates with someone else also.

One More Thing...
Have you ever used the breath God gave you incorrectly? I already know the answer. But, I hope we can all feel a little challenged today to remember our purpose, and to use our breath for good.

Take care, and I'm always here to pray for you or listen if you have a need or request. You can reach out to me privately at or comment on this post.

Lois Lynn


  1. So. True.
    Such a good reminder Lois. Same breath or tongue brings blessing and cursing. We get to choose.

    1. That's so weird I'm published under something that doesn't even exist anymore, my blogspot.

    2. They are both so powerful. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Love love love this. A wake up call for sure. Just another reminder to hold our thoughts captive in every moment and what we are wasting our time and energy on. Thanks for using this experience to call us back to God’s purpose.

    1. Always a reminder to myself first, then a hope that it encourages others. Thank you for reading, and commenting.

  3. Wait, you have a sunroof? I want one. I find myself yelling at drivers EVERY DAY! Not really, but it's a different world we live and drive in. (I miss drive in's). You are right, it's a daily challenge to keep a loving spirit about us. Prayer helps, but do it with your eyes open while driving. Just a hint. : ) Much Love Lolo

    1. Our world is certainly challenging me more and more each day to remember to be loving. I wish it came naturally all the time. Thanks for commenting!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I tried to edit my comment lol. I love love music too. I love Great are you lordddd!!!! It's your breathe in our lungs and so we pour out our praise!!!


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