Tuesday, July 9, 2019

We're Terminal

When I first heard this song and dove into the lyrics there was one phrase in particular that resonated so deeply for me. I remember the shortness of life through songs like, "Live Like You're Dying" and "Dance Like Nobody is Watching" and promise myself I'll step up and live well. Then I'm yelling at the drivers on the road and stressed out about things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Then someone gets a tough diagnosis or dies and I swing back to the promise of living fully. Then the cycle repeats. Sometimes I look like a pendulum on a clock moving at an accelerated speed.

Today I want to dive into the phrase I am certain many can relate to if they'll allow themselves to focus on this for a moment. Don't be afraid to admit this if it's true.
"Some folks die in offices one day at a time. They could live a hundred years but their soul's already dead. Don't let your spirit die before your body does."
I was finally able to face the truth that this was me. I had let people, places, and circumstances kill me slowly. Oh sure, through leadership training and development I know the phrases to use that make this sound better: burnout, empty bucket, depleted, tired, worn, etc. But the bottom line is I had let others poison my spirit for far too many years.

I pray that if this resonates with you, you will reach out to someone and talk, contact me to chat, and/or take a day off and do something that restores you. You only get one you. You are special and unique. You have a purpose and a value. NOBODY gets to put you in a box or make you conform to their limits. If you resonate with this same phrase - get out of the job, get out of the rut, get out of the dating relationship, get out of the friendship. You know what's destroying your spirit. Please stop living as less than who you are.

Jon Foreman

One More Thing...
Please make a change if you need to so you won't look back with regrets of lost time later. I didn't make the changes soon enough. Trust me...make the change.

Take care, and I'm always here to pray for you if you have a need or request.

Lois Lynn


  1. A quote I read recently "resonates" with this blog post. The gist of it was that suffering is wishing for something other than what you are currently experiencing. This concept is helping me re-center on the idea that my life is made up of a series of choices. I often do not have the choice of things that happen to me, but I have a choice on how I react. And, like you said, sometimes that means getting out of a bad situation. Other times for me, it has meant changing my perspective. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Love reading your blog.

  2. Great comment Matina. Sorry for the delay - good old technical difficulties! :-)

    I love the idea of defining suffering that way...been there, done that. It's kind of like looking in the fridge repeatedly hoping something new mysteriously appeared. You are correct that we sometimes need to be the one to make the change internally...that's on us! Thanks for commenting...and reading.


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