Friday, October 15, 2021

Joy Dare: October 15, 2021 - 3 GIFTS RE-READ

Drat! I wish I knew this was coming, I would have saved my Reluctant Prophet and The Master's Mind post from two days ago until now. I don't typically re-read much so it's time to get creative with my interpretation again.

Letters! Oh my goodness, of course. I have a couple of boxes that hold some of my most prized possessions, letters from dear friends. These boxes are on my list of things to take with me in case of an evacuation emergency. I am deeply grateful and thankful for them, and I have read and re-read each one countless times. The folds are deeply creased and a few are even beginning to fade. I have letters from people who have passed, which are among my favorite ones. I have short notes from people who have encouraged me and long handwritten monologues from people pouring out their hearts. Every word is a treasure I will continue to re-read many times more.

Well, now you know what my doubts are.
I have heard that affirmation statements can be helpful to repeat as we try to believe the words about ourselves. I finally tried it and placed it to the right of my desk where I will see it several times a day. I have read and re-read each statement numerous times almost every day for months. I'm thankful for the reminders and the challenge they provide to grow into acceptance of the words. The other reason I appreciate these words that I will continue to re-read often is because each statement was given to me by a different person and I'm reminded of their faith in me.

I am reminded of my grandfather's Bible that I have. It is worn, frayed almost, and his handwritten notes are throughout all pages. It has clearly been read and re-read a remarkable number of times. His life reflected his faith. It also reflected the amount of time he spent reading and re-reading those words. I'm thankful to own this now. I hope it will inspire me to read and re-read my Bible.

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