Monday, November 15, 2021

Joy Dare: November 15, 2021 - 3 GIFTS GOLDEN

I'd have to say I'm thankful for the price of gold. I've had some increased expenses this year and I've been able to sell my jewelry to help cover costs. Glad I'm not buying the "golden" stuff right now, but it sure helps when you need to sell!

A new addiction of mine is the gold kiwi. Don't tell Costco, but I'll pay whatever price they put on that package of sweet deliciousness. My apologies to the green kiwi...I haven't had one since discovering the golden ones several years ago. Sorry, not sorry. Trust me - try them!

I'm thankful for a season in my life when it feels like things are golden. I realize life is full of ups and downs, and even though there's some tough stuff each week, I feel like it's pretty golden right now.

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This is the link to my first post on this topic, in case you're curious what this is about.

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