Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Joy Dare: November 30, 2021 - 3 GIFTS ASTONISHING

I had a small project I wanted to do for the volunteers on a team I lead. However, my time, creative skill, and resources didn't allow me to do this on my own. I tossed it out to my neighbors, just in case someone loved to be creative but needed a purpose. I was astonished to find a neighbor I did not know who offered to make the stockings I wanted. This was a huge gift to me, as support, and I hope it will be a nice gift to the team when they see their Christmas thank you gifts.

Astonishing is a word that seems to carry a lot of expectations. One thing I appreciate about it is that you almost always see people who have that astonishing level of surprise, throw their hands up over their mouth. They are in such a state of happy shock. I don't know if they're afraid words will fall from their mouth, or if they feel more secure hiding but it's a very common action. It makes me smile because you know it is a genuine reaction from them.

I have found the Joy Dare astonishing in the sense of how difficult it often is to find three things in one day to be grateful for around the key prompt. I am thankful for this challenge because I have learned about myself while doing it. I am learning to find the little things in life again that I can appreciate amidst the darker things. 

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This is the link to my first post on this topic, in case you're curious what this is about.


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