Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Joy Dare: November 9, 2021 - 3 GIFTS HARVEST

I grew up in the San Joaquin Valley of California. This area yields a treasure trove of amazing produce. I've been craving some of the foods from back home, so I think I recently mentioned some of this. But, today I am thinking specifically of the white rose potatoes that were harvested in Delano. The packers knew a friend of ours, so we were granted early access to the first harvest. It was an exciting day at our house when Dad would bring home that huge 50# box of them. These are not like any you've seen in stores. These were each larger than the largest russet potato you've ever seen. They were creamy and smooth, with no starchy fibers. Truly one of the best harvest gifts ever known!

Harvest was always happening around us. The crop is the only thing that changed. There is a certain fragrance in the air during harvest time. The sprinklers whoosh back and forth leaving a sweet smell behind when the water drops mingle with the dirt. Driving those dirt roads in summers is something my soul still craves. So I guess I could say the entire harvest concept is a gift to me.

While I don't know anybody that has personally been through this, I know the act of harvesting an organ from a donor is an amazing gift. Not only are lives saved, but those lives go on to have an impact that would have been lost. This is a remarkable gift. I hope more people choose to become organ donors.

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This is the link to my first post on this topic, in case you're curious what this is about.


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